guitarist / singer / songwriter


I Should Know

Back and forth, I opened and closed the doors,

but what was I aiming for?

What did i leave behind?

We hardly spoke.

It seemed that my words were smoke, foretelling some holy joke,

and leaving me far behind.

I’m coming back, again.

All I need is time.

I will be ready for it. I should know my mind.

After all, none of my precious talk lead to the visions sought.

It was all in my head.

Signs go past. Sometimes a moment lasts — spindles of broken glass, trailing me far behind.

I’m coming back, again.

All I need is time.

I will be ready for it. I should know my mind.

I’m learning how to live. It’s good to be useful and wise.

Lines and points crossing the pages join together to fill the void.

The meaning is hard to find.

Silence comes after the work is done, knowing that something’s wrong,

and leaving it far behind.

I’m coming back, again.

All I need is time.

I will be ready for it. I should know.

I’m holding steady, and I won’t let go.

I will be ready for it. I should know my mind.

My mind. My mind.